Post-Rehab Wellness
You have been discharged from physical therapy because your insurance company believed it was no longer "medically necessary", you ran out of visits, or you "plateaued". However, you still can't perform the way you used to prior to injury or you still have movement goals you want to achieve but your insurance or therapist determined you were "good enough". You feel like your treatment was incomplete, but don't know what to do next.

This service is designed to get you back to 100%, or beyond. I believe it is possible to be in even better shape and stronger than before your injury. I take over where physical therapy ends and can work on the things you want to work on (and keep working on), without the limits of a third party dictating services. This service is great for individuals with chronic conditions such as arthritis, scoliosis and chronic back/neck pain to keep symptoms at bay, reduce flare ups and prevent return to physical therapy.
Stretch Mobility Program
Bodywork to improve flexibility and tissue mobility for pain relief, performance enhancement and injury prevention. This may include posture and gait assessments to identify areas of stiffness, weakness and compensation. This is an interactive stretching and bodywork session aimed at stress management and restoring balance throughout your body.

At times, this session may look similar to a combination of massage therapy and a private yoga session, with the individual performing active motions/sustained postures while the practitioner applies soft tissue techniques to the areas of the body being stretched or lengthened. This service is great for people who regularly feel "stiff" or "tight".
Exercise Recovery
After a tough training session, paddle/golf tournament, long run, marathon/triathlon or even just a day out of the ordinary that left you feeling sore and tired! These sessions combine hands-on techniques to reduce soreness and muscle fatigue and leave you more energized and ready to perform again soon.
Functional Mobility & Movement Assessment
Have a movement expert analyze your strength and mobility from top to bottom to identify areas that need the most attention and improvement. Oftentimes trouble areas are not the true source of pain/dysfunction. As a doctorate-level practitioner, I have an eye trained to identify asymmetry and compensations and will look at your body as a whole to identify areas of stiffness, weakness and tightness to target areas that need addressing.

It is best to get ahead of areas with abnormal movement patterns before they worsen and become lifelong issues or become painful or cause dysfunction in adjacent areas. Early identification of these areas can lead to injury prevention and improved performance.
Personal Training
One on one training to enhance strength, improve performance and as a by-product, positively influence physical appearance. With a doctorate level education, I have a solid foundation in applied anatomy, physiology and kinesiology and apply those scientific principles to your training. I believe in building confidence through building strong bodies and that strength may look different on everyone.
Miscellaneous Services
  • Home gym equipment education
    • If you've recently purchased home gym equipment (dumbbells, all-in-one trainer, TRX system, BOSU ball, etc), I will come to your home and demonstrate how to properly set up the equipment and exercises that you can do on/with the equipment. I provide a variety of options, specific to your abilities and goals.
  • Home office ergonomic evaluation
    • I provide an assessment of your current workspace to identify workplace layout or design that may be contributing to physical symptoms/discomfort. I ensure your workstation is set up for optimal comfort and performance and provide immediate, on-site recommendations and adjustments. I also provide a detailed follow up report of specific recommendations.
  • Home safety assessment
    • I evaluate your home for safety and mobility challenges. Having a home that is free of fall risks is crucial to maximizing independence to help you safely and confidently stay in your home as you age.