You have been discharged from physical therapy because your insurance company
believed it was no longer "medically necessary", you ran out of visits, or you "plateaued".
However, you still can't perform the way you used to prior to injury or you still have movement goals you want to achieve
but your insurance or therapist determined you were "good enough".
You feel like your treatment was incomplete, but don't know what to do next.
This service is designed to get you back to 100%, or beyond.
I believe it is possible to be in even better shape and stronger than before your injury.
I take over where physical therapy ends and can work on the things you want to work on (and keep working on),
without the limits of a third party dictating services.
This service is great for individuals with chronic conditions such as arthritis,
scoliosis and chronic back/neck pain to keep symptoms at bay,
reduce flare ups and prevent return to physical therapy.